SEAMEO RIHED and the ASEAN-China Center (ACC) are delighted to announce the 5th SEAMEO RIHED-ACC Study Visit Programme to China.
This year, the study visit will bring you to Hubei Province and explore the theme “Green Technology in Global Transformation: Innovation in Higher Education”. The study visit will provide Southeast Asian HEIs with an excellent opportunity to learn about China’s green technology and higher education innovation in Hubei Province to promote environmental sustainability, as well as economic and societal developments. Join us on this unique study visit to Central China!
Who can apply?
University executives, administrators and researchers from higher education institutions in Southeast Asia interested in pursuing collaboration with Chinese HEIs are invited to consider joining!
The group will consist of a maximum of 20 participants on a first-come, first-served basis.

The deadline for registration is by 12 April 2019!
For more information about the 5th SEAMEO RIHED-ACC Study Visit Programme to China, please visit our website at
The information package is downloadable as below:
Programme's Poster:
Programme's Brochure:
Registration Form:
Or contact:
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +662 644 9856 – 62