Prof. Roberto Ranzi, University of Brescia, Itatia, has completed teaching Basic Hydrology for 56NKN class, Undergraduate Advanced Program in Water Resources Engineering, ThuyLoi University from 19/6 to 30/6/2017.
[SIE] Prof. Roberto Ranzi, Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics, University of Brescia, Itatia, has completed teaching his course of Basic Hydrology for class 56NKN, Undergraduate Advanced Program in Water Resources Engineering, ThuyLoi University from 19/6 to 30/6/2017.
The Undergraduate Advanced Program in Water Resources Engineering has been taught in English, which follows the original program of Colorado State University, USA. This Advanced program was established in 2008 and funded by Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training. Up until now, there have been 5 graduate classes.

Prof. Ranzi and students of class 56NKN (Photo credit: Bich Viet)
Prof. Ranzi is one of the world's leading experts in hydrology. To date, Prof. Ranzi has successfully supervised 8 PhD students from ThuyLoi University, most of whom now are giving lectures at Advanced Program. Besides from his teaching, Prof. Ranzi also holds the position of Vice Rector and Rector's Delegate for International Affairs of the University of Brescia.

Rector of ThuyLoi University welcomed Prof. Ranzi (Photo credit: Bich Viet)
In addition to his official task of teaching at the Advanced Program, Prof. Ranzi also participated in other activities within the collaborative framework of scientific research and training between the University of Brescia and ThuyLoi University.
Prof. Ranzi delivered a lot of useful knowledge and gave a deep affection to class 56NKN’s students as well as his former graduate students of a warm Italian teacher.