The school held a seminar "How to Apply for Doctoral Study in USA, Preparations and Recommendations for Vietnamese Students" by experts from the University of Florida, USA.
Time: 9: 00-11: 00 Friday, December 13, 2019
Location: Room 225 - A2, Thuyloi University
Detailed content: Please see the attached file.
Recently, many graduate education programs from various universities in the US have increasingly received more applications from international students. Although Vietnam has many talented students with outstanding academic performance, the number of Vietnamese applicants for Master and PhD is limited compared to other countries like China, India and South Korea. Previous research have shown that international students often confront more challenges than domestic students on applying and getting admission from the graduate school. For example, previous study found that obtaining funding/support, being accepted into the program, or getting U.S. VISA are some of the most concerns of international students. Also, research indicated that simply understanding the admission process is a dominant theme of international students which have discouraged them to start the applications. These issues have motivated us to prepare a seminar for Vietnamese students in order to discuss and address these difficulties.