Nomination for Spring 2020 Exchange Program at Chonnam National University

Please nominate your students for Spring 2020 semester at the following link. You need to enter an individual nomination for every student you would like to nominate. [Nomination Deadline: October 30, 2019]




Nomination and Application Timeline
1.        Nominate your students to Chonnam by October 30, Wednesday.
2.        Nominated students will be sent the application instructions on November 1, Friday
3.        Nominated students apply with all required documents by November 20, Wednesday.


As part of the applications, students will be required to attach the following supporting documents.
1.        Copy of most recent transcript
2.        Copy of passport photo identification page
3.        A passport picture


The course list of Spring 2020 semester will be available late January, 2020. Once the list is finalized and released from our office of academic affairs, I will send it to the students directly. Students can select up to 6 courses (1 course, 3 credits). In the meantime they can view the English-medium courses offered from CNU last five(5) years as a guide at the following link.


[Course List]


You may check the CNU Exchange Program Fact Sheet for your reference at the following link:
[Exchange Program Fact Sheet]